Sunday, October 5, 2008

Love with Eternity in View

I have been reading Hugh Binnings Christian Love very slowly as a devotional aid and I came across this gem that I wanted to share with you.

What an unsuitable thing might a believer think it, to hate someone in this world whom he must love eternally; and to contend and strive with those, even for matters of small moment (importance), with bitterness and rigidity, with whom he shall have an eternal, uninterrupted unity and fellowship. Should we not be assaying here, how that glorious garment suits us? And there is truly nothing makes a man so heaven-like or God-like as this - much love and charity.

Hugh Binning, Christian Love, 27-28.

1 comment:

Joshua Owen said...

Jamie, I am ashamed when I think how unloving my thoughts often are toward those I call brothers. These thoughts may not be reflected in action or word, but I might as well have broadcast them on earth because I know they were heard in heaven.